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OPC-UA Server

Run an OPCUA Server to read the devices and their properties via OPCUA protocol


Integrating an OPC UA Server as an application within SICON.OS allows for seamless communication with industrial devices and systems that support the OPC UA protocol. Here's how this integration could work:

  1. OPC UA Server Integration: The OPC UA Server application can be integrated into SICON.OS, enabling users to access OPC UA functionality directly from within the SICON.OS environment. This integration ensures that users can easily configure and manage OPC UA connections, as well as access data from OPC UA-compatible devices and systems.

  2. Read Devices and Properties: The OPC UA Server application within SICON.OS enables users to read data from connected devices and systems via the OPC UA protocol. Users can configure the OPC UA Server to establish connections with OPC UA servers running on industrial devices, PLCs, SCADA systems, and other equipment. Once connected, users can read device properties, status information, sensor data, and other relevant data points using OPC UA methods and services.

  3. Data Mapping and Translation: The integration between the OPC UA Server and SICON.OS allows for seamless data mapping and translation between OPC UA data structures and SICON.OS data models. This ensures that data from OPC UA-compatible devices can be easily accessed, processed, and utilized within the SICON.OS environment, enabling users to leverage this data for monitoring, analysis, and control purposes.

  4. Integration with SICON.OS Services: The OPC UA Server application can also integrate with other SICON.OS services and components, enabling users to incorporate OPC UA data into broader SICON.OS workflows and applications. For example, users can use OPC UA data to trigger alerts, automate processes, or visualize data using SICON.OS dashboards and visualization tools.

  5. Security and Authentication: The integration between the OPC UA Server application and SICON.OS includes robust security features to ensure secure communication and data exchange. This may include support for authentication, encryption, and other security mechanisms to protect data integrity and confidentiality.

Overall, integrating an OPC UA Server as an application within SICON.OS enables users to easily access and utilize data from OPC UA-compatible devices and systems within the SICON.OS environment. This integration enhances interoperability, streamlines data access and management, and enables users to leverage OPC UA data for a wide range of industrial automation and control applications.

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